Healthy&unhealthy food

Hello friends, all of you are welcome. Friends, thinkers have said. "That body is a tool, which is given to raise the soul." The main purpose of food is to keep the body healthy. Nature has created the human body in such a scientific manner by such amazing body parts. That if they are used smoothly, then they can remain lifelong healthy. The scholars have told the tongue to be very strong in humans. Today most of us eat food to satisfy the taste of the sensory or stomach. What should i eat What else should not be eaten? Do not consider it. The importance of food should not be taken in terms of taste, but in terms of those elements. Which are essential and useful for the body's health. Unhealthy inappropriate food produces disorders by going into the body. There is a loss of health. From the point of view of health, it is very important to have both vitamins and alkalis in food. Vitamin is considered to be the life of food. Vitamin-free food is redundant. Thus wasteful food in the stomach causes the grass to remain as a garbage, and can lead to stagnation and disorder. Which food does not contain the desired vitamins. Or, for some reason, their element has been destroyed. It has been considered as inedible for human beings. There are many types of vitamins. But for human health a, b, c three vitamins are very important. These elements get fresh fruits and many types of vegetables are well with vegetables. But in the dry, rotten, throat and stale substances, vitamins are destroyed. Also, things that are more fry or cooked or fried. They also lose their food life. This is the reason. From the point of view of health, the use of stale, rotten street more roasted and fried things has been said to be prohibited. Whatever food is taken. As appropriate, fresh purity should be pure. Vitamin A is found especially in spinach, cabbage, radish, carrot, salad etc. among the dishes. Eating these dishes as naturally as possible benefits the eyes and the intestines, lungs and bladder along with the knowledge fibers. Vitamin B helps increase hunger, stimulates, stimulates the body, enhances blood, as well as keeping muscles, muscles, and skin and overall body institution healthy. Vitamin D is found in almost all fruits, green tea and wheat barley, corn, rice, peas and gram. Vitamin C which activates the digestive system and activates the digestive tract. Also, whose deficiency or absence makes blood contaminate. Dysfunction in the body, swelling in the gums, causes piarrhea in the teeth. Its receipt is found especially in lemon, orange, tomatoes and radish, raspberries. In addition, two vitamin D and E have also been considered necessary in terms of healthcare. Of these, the de-bone component strengthens their weakness. Especially this yellow carrot is found in papaya and coconut fruit. In which some kashayas are present. Vitamin D which protects the reproductive power of men and women. Green vegetables, fresh milk, jaggery and nuts etc. But all these vitamins or food prana are with these items only when they are eaten in more and more natural form. By adding more rubbing or adding the pepper spices to frying the contents, the element decreases either. Completely destroyed. Healthy alkalis such as calcium, soda, sulfur iron, magnesium. Which works to strengthen the whole body institution with bones. Most of the green vegetables, vegetables, fruits and grains are obtained from the peels. People who eat peeling fruit, stirring etc., eat it. Or those who use peels of pulses and used to splash food grains. Boil green beans and take out their water. Those people are deprived of necessary and beneficial bases. Such people do not eat items including element and deposit their folk in the stomach. Which does not benefit. It also causes many disorders in the stomach. Suitable food for friends, human beings can be food, including green herbs, fruits, milk, nuts and bran. Apart from those who use meat, fish, egg etc. They behave in the opposite of human beings. Although nowadays these foods are also declared as vitamin or food power. However this is unnatural and natural food for humans. Which is not fair in any way. Eating this type of food only causes stomach upset. Man's instincts also get distorted. This food is a work, anger, ruin, and intellect are illusory. We must rely on vegetarianism provided by nature. From that we will get good health. No two ways about it. Thank you.


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