Benifits of massage

Hello friends, welcome to all of you. Friends, every person desiring to improve, one thing should be taken into account in particular, that do not add more imagination in this subject, do not be more happy, because not being patient and being physically fit, this is also a matter of less satisfaction Not there. Human society is living with this unnatural diet and lifestyle. It is worthwhile to be stuck in the clutches of diseases. Many different types of medical practices have been invented. Medical shops have been laced with hundreds of millions of medicines. But it is not making any progress in health reforms. Often 95% of people suffer from major diseases. To find a full healthy man, there will be extraordinary effort. People who look fat and strong On the lookout, they also have many types of diseases. In such a situation, the definition of good health in the natural diet wing of the present tense can be that, the body remains free from the pain. And the life-sustaining biological power will continue to be achieved. For this, even millions of people crave. Friends are the best way to refine, nurture, develop and organize the body-parts. By doing massage, small and small muscles of the organs also tend to be good and proper exercise. Normal exercises have a lot of pressure on any muscles. Not at all. But in the massage every pelvic has a light padded hand. In which there is pressure from the nerves of the knowledge system, the medulla, the muscles, the muscles and the bone institution, reasonably. An electric current is operated by light rubbing of the hand. Thereby stimulation occurs in fixed organs. Wrestlers give as much importance to exercise as they do. Equally gives massage. No wrestler will be like this, who does not massage the body. Oil is used to massage oil in order to keep the hand running properly. Do not rub on the skin. And the hair does not break. Apart from these benefits and whatever benefits it is. That is all the massages. Misl is a very important benefit in the treatment of diseases. The practice of suppressing head in pain is all known. The way people are weary due to walking the path. If there is a pain in the stomach, then it is treated to go back on the stomach. Massage of oil in places of pain is beneficial. Oily massage is administered to women, and oil is used for newborn babies. The impotence patients massage the herbs. Many diseases are treated by massage. In our country, there are many specialists who have been treated by massaging the diseases like sprains, bone fractures, injuries, arthritis, umbilical diseases etc. Some people doing massage are very skilled in their art. 15-20 minutes of oil massage After bathing, the pressure of the hand should be more towards the heart. Rubber should be applied at the bottom of the fuselage at the bottom of the torso. Rubbing the head, shoulders, neck etc. should be more on the side of the chest. Even though the bottom should be rubbed on either side. But keeping the hand light and tight should keep in mind the direction of the heart. Massage has a very good effect on health. According to the above methods, treatment of medicines can be done without doing it. Weak can be strong Patients can get rid of their diseases. Rejuvenation of medicines is temporary. But according to natural lifestyle, improved health is lasting till age.


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