Why should eating food be dedicated to God?
Hello friends, all of you are welcome. Friends, when we eat. What kind of emotions should we have? Today we will consider this. Friends, when we make daily meals. Then at that time of taste and in the hurry of hunger, we do not think who has provided this food. Maybe you ask a question, you will say, I have created this food. My wife has made it. All this is mine. No one has any right in it. My wish will be I will use it in that way. But friends, this is wrong to think. Believe you've done labor. Then in return, you are going to enjoy it. Your wife has created it. That is why you have made your wish. But consider you a little higher level. That your food also has the right to be the regulator of creation. Imagine if he had not made the earth? Where did you grow grains? If he had not made a seed, what would he have created? Somewhere you would not exist then? This man would not have got the body. So where does it come from you in the ability to enjoy it? You have provided the means....