Dietary power

Hello friends, all of you are welcome. Today we will discuss this topic. How can the brain capacity be increased from the diet? So friends, there is a method in it. Yajna Science, which is still capable of presenting accurate and definite results in its place. It is different from the fact that this science has vanished. Based on the evidence available, it is known. That due to the power of the food used in the development of this power was also used successfully. The Pippalad sage had sustained this by eating fruits of Peepal. And this is why the Pippalad sage was called. The name of Ondamvar Rishi also lies on this basis. That he used to run the fruits of the fruit of the fruit, namely the fruit of Guular. Just eat munga and eat due to mudgalata. It was auspicious with food items. So that their power could come out specially. According to yajna science, the offerings made by various experiments in specific fire hats are refined and cultivated for food. That due to their power can be used. Due to the use of power is the law of use by developing power. Failure to practice ignorance in this regard results in failure.Although self-realization is the biggest success of a human being. It brings such power. That he can do good to others along with him. In this context, due to its purity of dietary purification, usefulness of power and doubt is not only useful and compulsory. There is a long list of food for the seekers in the Manusmriti - a long list of the inedible diet. And it has been said that those wishing for spiritual progress should not be taken in an unconscious way. These strict rules regarding diet were therefore made. That the seeker can move forward on the path of spiritual advancement with uninterrupted speed. Sorry that the experiments were done by the philosophers of ancient times. They have now become extinct now. Their shadowy deeds show only shadow. There is no profit going to come from. This is the reason why his encouraging results are not coming out. For him, the reason for the substance is to understand the power and to use it. Satvic diet is essential for a healthy body and mind.


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