
Showing posts from September, 2018

Benifits of massage

Hello friends, welcome to all of you. Friends, every person desiring to improve, one thing should be taken into account in particular, that do not add more imagination in this subject, do not be more happy, because not being patient and being physically fit, this is also a matter of less satisfaction Not there. Human society is living with this unnatural diet and lifestyle. It is worthwhile to be stuck in the clutches of diseases. Many different types of medical practices have been invented. Medical shops have been laced with hundreds of millions of medicines. But it is not making any progress in health reforms. Often 95% of people suffer from major diseases. To find a full healthy man, there will be extraordinary effort. People who look fat and strong On the lookout, they also have many types of diseases. In such a situation, the definition of good health in the natural diet wing of the present tense can be that, the body remains free from the pain. And the life-sustaining biological

Towards health

Hello friends, welcome to all of you. Friends, there is a place of order and tolerance in order to keep health in mind like food and work.The daily program should be regular. Sleeping , food, bathing, and exercise time should be fixed. Body health is also related to our happiness. We should have a habit of being happy and experiencing happiness. Regardless of how big a program is in front of you. Any major difficulties. Whatever the disaster has occurred He should not have excessive effect on the mind. Sadness, anxiety, sadness, panic, distraction, restlessness, all this is the paramount enemy of health. 4 days of loss of food, the more damage the body has. The anxiety and distraction of that and the more than 1 day is. Difficulties increase more and more from these mental diseases. In adverse situations also, maintaining mental balance is the best way to get rid of adversity. Friends, 1 hour of daily laugh is more than a glass of milk or more than an exorbitant ghee. Being happy, smil

Proper hard work for health

Hello friends, welcome friends, this part of today's running race, we have mobilized many resources to bring our body in a very comfortable position. But friends, if the machine is left without any work, its parts will be rusted It goes away. The dust gets deposited. And if it runs too much, then it gets useless quickly after losing parts and so on. The same thing is from the body. Staying in laziness, stealing from the strength of the rich in the glory of the rich, is to destroy the activity of the body. To maintain the work force of meat, vein, pulse, skin etc., they must work hard. It is very necessary to work hard for a healthy body. But it is also necessary that the diligence should not be so high, that the wealth of the life force of the body becomes empty. By doing more than the ability, the body gets heat. And the heat of life gets destroyed after that heat. Such men do not live long life  much. If the expenditure is more than income, then he will have to become bankrupt. W

How much eat

Hello friends, welcome to all of you.freinds, how much to eat? The answer to this question is to eat less than hungry. We know that the requirement and dignity of every body will be different. Not one result was confirmed for everyone. It can be determined by the stomach of the eater.the stomach  tells us how much power is required and how much is the digestive power.friends, the right way to eat is that the stomach should be filled with half a meal , Fourth for water, and fourth should be kept empty for the air. It is difficult to take care of, but it should be taken care that it should be eaten less than hunger. Some place should be kept empty in the stomach . Do not take so much food that walking and working It should be hard . After the meal, there should be a desire for work. There should be a desire to work. But if laziness comes, if there is heavyness in the body then it should be understood as the result of more food. Less than Eating would not be harmed. Rather it is a gain. B

How should have meals

Hello friends, welcome to all of you.friends, today we will discuss how we should eat the food. The importance of eating foods is as important as the importance of eating it. They also become very useful. And if the best things are eaten in wrongway, then its importance is destroyed.In the method of food, three questions should be kept in mind.1- when should eat? 2-How much to eat? 3- How to eat? If these things are kept in mind, then ordinary food can also be beneficial. In your real form, eating delicious food, sweet and less fortunate food When should the food be eaten? The answer to this question is that 1- should be eaten at the appointed time and 2-if it is very hungry. For a healthy person, it is enough to feed twice a day. It is around 11 in the morning and at 6 in the evening. By the convenience, there may be slight decrease in it. Some food should be eaten at the appointed time. Then do not eat anything until the second time comes. The habit of running mouth all day is very b

Selection of food

Hello friends, welcome to all of you, who want to be healthy and happy, to get rid of chasing them with artificiality, adopt simple, simple, honest, living beings of nature. The second thing to keep in mind is that the digestion power is correct or not? For this, see this for Should it be hungry that is not fixed at the appointed time? Does the food that is eaten digest at the right time, is not it? Is the diarrhea clear or not? If these things are not okay then you should try to correct it. The right to stay depends on four things-1- the choice of food items, 2-eating methods, 3-appropriate diligence, 4-disorganization. Keep these four things in mind, digestion power will always be fine. These four things put a little light on. The human beings are similar to the monkeys. The diet of the pots is the fruit. The best food for human beings is fruit. It is a better beneficial, quick digestive, There is no substance that produces pure blood, and the more life that will be in the substances

Best health formulas

Hello friends, welcome to all of you. Friends should understand us well that the best health is dependent on running the body according to the laws of nature. If the digestive power is not correct, then the substance, called precious precious energy, will not be able to achieve anything. They will go into the stomach and out of the bloodstream. If their digestion is not made, they will not be able to nourish them, how will they grow? If digestion is right, then even a small amount of food can provide a lot of strength. Look at the dumb grass and eat grass, and how much fat is collected from it. Pigs do not get butter, cream, milk, rabri, and they eat poor substances which have a very low amount of nutrients, yet they use their digestive power to consolidate their bodies from that simple diet. Look at other animals; Buffaloes, bulls, horses, elephants etc. are not served nuts or nuts, nor do they get strength pills, potent pills. Yet they are full strength. He gets enough blood-meat onl

My worship

Hello friends, welcome to all of you. Because I am a teacher too, today, on the occasion of Teacher's Day, gifts from my side to dear students that I feel. Attempts to express through poetry . You are the string of the harp of my heart, you are the best gift of this creation. You are the world of pure and gentle expressions. You are the first step of my spiritual practice. Because when I teach and love you , then I find myself close to God. When I try to burn your knowledge  lamps, then I feel that the best worship of God is for me. What more can I say, I have the self-discipline of the day, my dear students are not right but God is the medium of devotion.

Modernity and nature

Hello friends, welcome to all of you. Friends, today's runny days have gone so far in the routine and in the race of modernity that our life has become distant from nature and we have to ignore its adverse consequences. It is like sitting on fastest riders. It is harmful in terms of health. The thing is that there is a difference of ten to fifteen miles. When a man of a place reaches to a distant place, often the climate is not favorable. While there was climate favorable for the residents there, it was not suitable for the new man. This is due to climate change. Like going out of a cold room and moving into a strong Lu. Similarly, the difference in the distance of the climate too makes such a fuss. In the first place people used to walk on pedestrians or animals; He would have been tolerant, and the big journey was also smooth. But today in the cold of Kashmir every three days and in the desert of Sindh, there are only such opportunities available which are adverse for the health.

Do not eat or eat

Hello friends, welcome to all of you.  Friends, other creatures of creation depend on the nature given to their senses. Those foods that receive their senses, they take it. Not to touch other things. The goat eats the leaves of acai but the cow does not eat them; the wolf eats meat, but the buffalo will not accept it at some point. Parrot does not eat chillies, but the pigeons will not accept it in any way. At the door of our mouth, the janitor-like nature has been set up by the tongue, who keeps checking that no one is allowed to enter and who should not be allowed to go. Tongue is a doctor, he is a scientist whose criterion can never be wrong. But the man spends his deception to deceive this watchman. The senses that endure constant oppression also fall into the same structure. A little boy whose tongue is not well enough, keep the foods in front of him, he will accept them properly. Far away, eat fruit etc. will eat happily but pepper masala will not accept meat oil. Tobac